The Fantastical World of Ioanna Pantazopoulou
" It’s a moment to question the world around us and how we can make things better"
" It’s a moment to question the world around us and how we can make things better"
In Miami, there is a lot happening in the art sector year-round well beyond Basel, and sometimes, something. Continue reading
Art Basel is upon us once again! Here is your guide to all the Art, Exhibitors, and Fan Fair for. Continue reading
Coffee, produce, carts, and arms reaching to and fro in a world of transparent vivaciousness on a canvas by. Continue reading
Stand tall, dive in, create, keep it real, embrace, experience, share, repeat.. could be Ty Nathan Clark's mantra. Continue reading
Prepossessingly perched atop the Reception in the Whitby Hotel in New York City; two women are seated beside each. Continue reading
By Afraa Zammam and Albrecht Behmel Marc Spiegler, Global Director, Art BaselPaula Polito, Global. Continue reading
"Art also needs to tell the words of the inner demons and the good things inside. Life isn’t always great and funny. We always want to talk about the light, and the dark also exists."
As the preview days of Art Basel 2019 draws to an end, and most of us bipedal are heading back home or on to the. Continue reading
"I still hold a rather idealistic vision of life. I think the element of intimacy was simply a natural transmission into my work. I guess I like to keep it real."