Christies Rockefeller Sale Revealed
As I make my way over to Christies through Rockefeller Center, I take in the scenery. Its Spring, its a beautiful warm day. Flags, fanfare, flowers, tourists. I am excited to see the art that will be auctioned off for various charities
Once inside (lucky me) One is Welcomed by a massive majestic Black Calder stabile on a low white pedestal. Turn left, down the hall and Ahh.. Canvas, oil, antiques, the sound of heels clanking against wood floors. This sale is massive. Everything from posh picnic sets to Picasso’s , The giant Monet Nympheas , Matisse’s Odalisque, which hung in the Rockefeller dining room for 60 years. Further adding to the Provenance, now that it has been exhibited in Hong Kong and London. It is absolutely stunning in person. Peek around to DeKooning, bright andno doubt, will do well. The Diego Rivera featured in the movie Frieda.
Wandering, I noticed A man actually holding a piece of art he had just taken off the wall observing the back with his wife. I held my breath as the situation was defused promptly, and quietly. It gave me a huge chuckle. (Security one-
crazy person zero) After that little adrenaline rush, I completed the first floor, arguably where the “meat and potatoes” was.
Then I ventured to the Mezzanine , where there were some beautiful American pieces and some dishes and the Atrium. There is a lot of furniture! Like the biggest most expensive yard sale to ever take place!
There were some family Jewelry , some Asian and Islamic works of art.
Enter Duck Room.. Its Rabbit season,Duck season? No, Its auction season!
If I were to Profile patrons inside median age 65 I’d say, there were ones interested in the art, those who own some of the artists and are rubbing their hands together in anticipation, and those who would want to give a hell of a tax write off for a matisse. I was trying to think of the next level of astronomical,I text a friend, what is another word for astronomical? Two minute delay.. I get one word.. and it is quite befitting..Yes, Shi*loads of money.. Thank you (Tim) for keeping it in the vernacular. It is going to be challenging going forward for secondary art dealers, as the clientele will probably get smaller, as there will be inevitably the comparisons of the “Rockefeller” pieces vs reality. I’d be interested to see!
Ahh, the smell of Blue Blazers and Brown shoes and aqua net inundating the senses. Its gonna be good! No crystal ball folks, but Its going to blow away anything we have seen to date.!